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Do you see similarities in your child to a relative or friend who crossed into the Light?

Does the dog you have now behave uncannily like the one you had before?

Is your cat just like the previous in ways that were unique to her?

How can you discern if the person or pet in your life now is a reincarnation of a previous soul? Sometimes, it becomes very evident and removes the need for guessing.

When I was on a plane and an infant was crying, I offered to hold her for the mother so she could catch her breath from the stress. As I gazed upon the baby, I saw an identical replica of my beloved Auntie Ann. When the child looked at me, she stopped crying immediately and began giggling. Her mother was shocked, and said that I had a magic touch with "Ann." The full story is in my book, THE IMMENSE RELEASE by Barbara Gail on Amazon.

If you already suspect your child, or pet, is a reincarnation of someone you knew before, some visible signs must be apparent. They don't always remain, therefore; it is important to do your investigative work immediately.

The easiest route to take is to consult a Medium, Spiritual Communicator for the Light, such as myself. However, to discern for yourself, ask questions, but don't make them too many or too obvious. If talking with a young child, try to draw them out by mostly listening. Children usually want to tell you about their dreams and unseen friends.

Ask key questions when your child says, oh, I remember how to build that.... or..... I used to live in a house just like that one. Over time, you will create a dictionary of sorts with stories of their recounting. They might lose this ability if not encouraged to develop their spiritual gifts. Meditate with them. Build communications and trust so they will come to you with their feelings. As you learn more, you can teach more:)

If, as the child grows, they forget, don't continue with questions because you could make them uncomfortable. And if you want to know about your past lives, dreams and meditation can also show you that.

With a pet, you can observe them as they do the things that only the two of you did. You'll have to decide based on this, and if you are an adept meditator, ask your Guides for the answer. Consistency in meditating is the key to successful results that are tangible. I say it this way, because even when you don't think you are making progress, you are. Energies are being introduced from a higher frequency that will become apparent.

I have discovered several, many actually, of my past lives through dreams, meditation, and when someone I was with appeared in their physical or light body to me, revealing themselves and our story.

During one of my previous lives, I was married to Chief Running Bull of the Lakota as a Native American woman. In this lifetime, I had been a part of a Lakota group, Koda Maka. In my home, I had drum making classes, and created mandalas for those who wanted a spiritual tool. I had been drawn to the Native American culture for a very long time.

I didn't know about the Chief until he appeared to me one evening and told me. When I researched him on the Internet, this was what I discovered:

Nov 18, 2019 · Chief Tatankainyanke Running Bull: Birthdate: 1828: Birthplace: South Dakota, United States: Death: July 22, 1900 (71-72) South Dakota, United States Place of Burial: Wagner, South Dakota, United States:

Immediate Family: Husband of Barbara Iron Pejutawin Running Bull Father of Minnie E Kiktewin Abdalla. Managed by:

·         Location: South Dakota

·         Birthdate: 1828

·         Spouse: Barbara Iron Pejutawin Running Bull

·         Birthplace: South Dakota, United States

Chief, as I affectionately refer to him in our communications, gave personal messages and I often feel his presence. His strength is becoming incorporated into me, and it is a blessing.

Wishing you an enlightened, exciting adventure!

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Barbara, is an extraordinarily gifted healer who communicates with Spiritual Masters and deceased loved ones to bring clarity to your spiritual journey.

Barbara is compassionate, inspirational, and uplifting. She brings Divine Light and Energy to all her interactions, and you will be astounded by her accuracy. If your Soul is searching for healing, the future has you anxious, or you need closure from your past, Barbara offers answers, insights, and the peace you seek.” — Tricia Baxley,  Certified Life Transitions Coach

"Barbara has been doing the Psych-K with me and as an R.N. with the Army here in Colorado, I am interested in many ways to help people heal. I have to tell you that this work for myself, my dog, and my entire life, is positively transforming and healing."

– J. Peterson, RN, US Army;

"Barbara, I enjoyed your talk at the 2008 Mensa Gathering. Thank you for your help in the audience! I wanted to talk to yo...

- Carol ​​​

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 Dr. D. Davis

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"I read the entire book in one day. I couldn't put it down. Barbara is a very insightful woman and is truly blessed. Her writing is a testament of her abilities and a real learning experience. I highly recommend this book to any and all readers. You will be so glad you got a copy."

This website and our classes provide information about Out-of-Body and Proof-of-Afterlife or

Near-Death Experiences, to include the Afterlife, and Channeled Messages, effective prayer and meditation.

Barbara Gail draws her guidance and insights from the Light. She only teaches what she has experienced.

by Barbara Gail provides absolute proof of the Afterlife, Reincarnation, Past Lives, Spirit Communications, and messages
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"Barbara's life journey had me at the edge of my seat. Her story has so many facets and will appeal to everyone: from the curious, the nonbelievers, the skeptics, and the spiritual, to animal lovers and even sports fans!

From intuition to communing with spirits, Barbara's experiences are incredibly authentic. Sports fans will be amazed by the chapters on boxer Sonny Liston and the verifications and fact-checking that go along with it.

Barbara sees a world beyond the surface and connects with it. 



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